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S.1. The Institution has Student Services Program (SSP).

S.2. The Student Affairs Services (SAS) program is consistent with the vision and mission of the Institution, goals of the College/Academic Unit and objectives of the Program.

S.3. The objectives of the SAS are clearly defined.

S.4. The objectives of the SAS are in accordance with CMO No.9 series of 2013.

S.5. The SAS is composed of:

S.5.1. student welfare programs and services; and

S.5.2 student development programs and services.

S.6. The following basic services are available:

S.6.1. Student Welfare;

S.6.1.1. Information and Orientation Services;

S.6.1.2. Guidance and Counseling Services;

S.6.1.3. Career and Job Placement Services;

S.6.1.4. Economic Enterprise Development; and

S.6.1.5. Student Handbook Development.

S.6.2. Student Development;

S.6.2.1. Student Activities;

S.6.2.2. Student Organizations and Activities;

S.6.2.3. Leadership Training;

S.6.2.4. Student Council/Government;

S.6.2.5. Student Discipline; and

S.6.2.6. Student Publication/Year Book.

S.6.3 Institutional Student Programs and Services;

S.6.3.1. Admission Services;

S.6.3.2. Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA);

S.6.3.3. Food Services;

S.6.3.4. Health and Wellness Services;

S.6.3.5. Safety and Security Services;

S.6.3.6. Student Housing and Residential Services;

S.6.3.7. Multi-faith and Inter-faith Services;

S.6.3.8. Foreign/International Students Services (whenever applicable);

S.6.3.9. Services for Students with Special Needs;

S.6.3.10. Culture and Arts Programs;

S.6.3.11. Sports and Development Programs;

S.6.3.12. Social and Community Involvement Programs; and

S.6.3.13. others (please specify)__________________.

Students Affairs and Services Unit

S.7. There is a SAS Unit that manages student affairs development and welfare programs.

S.8. The SAS Unit has an organizational structure indicating its relationship with other Units.

S.9. The SAS Unit is headed by a qualified official.

S.10. The SAS Unit is staffed with qualified personnel.

Administrative Support

S.11. The various student services are provided with adequate staff, physical facilities, equipment and materials (e.g. one (1) guidance counselor for every 1,000 students, etc.)

S.12. There is sufficient budget allocation for the Student Affairs and Services of the Institution.


a. MOLE (MSU-IIT Online Learning Environment)/My.IIT. This is the official web portal of MSU-IIT, in partnership with Google, Inc. through Google Apps Education Edition (subscribed since 2007) for faculty, students, and staff. Below are the following services it has to offer (excerpt from My.IIT):

1. G.MSUIIT Mail

  • With over 7GB of space that’s constantly growing, you can forget about quotas;

  • Keep unwanted messages out of your inbox with Google's powerful spam blocking technology;

  • Keep any message you might need down the road, and then find it fast with Google search;

  • Send mail, read new messages and search your archives instantly from your phone.

2. G.MSUIIT Calendar

  • Organize your schedule and share events with ease;

  • Share events and whole calendars with other people you need to stay in sync with;

  • See your own agenda next to calendars shared with you to see the big picture;

  • Stay on schedule on-the-go with mobile access and even SMS appointment reminders.

3. G.MSUIIT Drive

  • Keep your documents current:

It's easy to make sure everyone sees the most updated version of your file, every time. When there are multiple people editing at once, we'll keep a record so you can see who added and deleted what, when;

  • Edit your documents and spreadsheets from anywhere:

All you need is a Web browser - your documents and spreadsheets are stored securely online. To work on documents offline, or distribute them as attachments, simply save a copy to your own computer in the format that works best for you;

  • Share changes in real-time:

Invite people to your documents/spreadsheets and make changes together, at the same time. Your sharing tools are integrated with your Gmail contact list so it's easy to invite new collaborators and viewers within an organization.

4. G.MSUIIT Sites

  • Create rich web pages easily;

  • Collect all your info in one place;

  • Control who can view and edit.

5. G.MSUIIT Groups

  • Create and manage group mailing lists without the help of an administrator;

  • Manage your memberships and settings directly from a convenient web interface;

  • View and search across archives of existing group communications;

  • Star and monitor topics of interest to you.

6. Plus, My.IIT will assist students in university-related transactions within MSU-IIT to keep them updated in the following areas:

  • Electronic Copy of the Certificate of Registration (COR);

  • Grades Inquiry and Evaluation of Records;

  • INC Grade Monitor;

  • "Paperless Clearance”/List of Liabilities (Clearance Items);

  • Course Offering (Subject Actual Count);

  • Analytics - Academic Data Visualization:

  • Graphical presentation of student performance.

b. New Food Court. The Institute has a new Food Court strategically located and made accessible to all students and employees. Before the stalls were awarded to food providers, food tasting was scheduled wherein institute officials had to taste and rate each seller in terms of food taste, nutrition, sanitation, price and presentation to ensure that the food that are made available to students are affordable, clean and nutritious.

c. The Institute has developed a system wherein student registration can be done fully online.

d. Harnessing the benefits of technology, the conduct of regular monitoring and evaluation of student welfare and development services is done using the online facility. This allows for faster and more systematic processing of responses and, provides accurate results and analysis of data.

e. The Board of Regents has approved (for MSU-IIT only) the granting of a cash incentive to students for their academic performance based on grade point average at the end of every semester. A corresponding budget has been allocated for this purpose.

f. In response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, the Office of Guidance and Counseling are reaching out to students being referred to them, via the online counseling program.