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I.1 The curriculum/program of study meets the requirements and standards of CHED as follows:

I.1.1. Master's thesis program - 36 units inclusive of (6) units thesis;

I.1.2 Master's on-thesis program inclusive of six (6) integrating courses - 36 units

I.1.3 For thesis Master's Program: Competencies to undertake research in specific areas with the broad field of educational science and practice; and

I.1.4 For Doctoral Programs: new knowledge and strategies in specific areas within the broad field of educational science and practice.

I.2 The curricular content is responsive to the needs of the country and recent development in the profession.

I.3 The curricular content covers the extent of the professional and technical preparation required of its graduates.

I.4 The curriculum integrates values, reflective of national customs, culture, and tradition in cases where applicable.

I.5 Opportunities for participation in hands-on activities, such as immersion/practical training and field study are maintained in the curriculum.

I.6 The following activities are undertaken to ensure quality in the process of curriculum development;

I.6.1 participative planning and designing of the curriculum by the following stakeholders:

I.6.1.1. administration

I.6.1.2. faculty

I.6.1.3. students

I.6.1.4. alumni

I.6.1.5. representatives from the industry/sector; and

I.6.2 periodic review, assessment, and updating of the curriculum by the Academic Council; and

I.6.3. confirmation of the curriculum by the BOR/BOT;

1.7 The program of study allows the accommodation of students with special needs and assists them to finish the degree.