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S.1. The institution has a Student Handbook containing comprehensive information on programs and services for student welfare and development.

S.2. A regular and comprehensive Orientation Program is held for new, returning and continuing students.

S.3. The information materials on educational, career, personal and social concerns are readily available, such as:

S.3.1 R.A 9262 or Anti Violence Against Women and Children Act;

S.3.2 Anti-Bullying Act;

S.3.3 Guidelines on drug abuse prevention and control;

S.3.4 R.A 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995;

S.3.5 HIV AIDS awareness;

S.3.6 Self-care and healthy lifestyle; and

S.3.7 R.A 9442, particularly on the provision on public ridicule and vilification against persons with disability.

S.4 The Guidance and Counseling Program provides the following services:

S.4.1 information and inventory;

S.4.2 counseling;

S.4.3 appraisal and testing;

S.4.4 placement and follow-up; and

S.4.5 referral.

S.5 Gender -sensitive individual and group counseling is provided.

S.6 Counseling Services consider cultural differences.

S.7 The Guidance Program is headed by a licensed Guidance Counselor with at least a master's degree in Guidance and Counseling.

S.8 All the Guidance Counselor are licensed.

S.9 The guidance Program is supported by qualified staff.

S.10 Every student has an update profile at the guidance office.

S.11 A counseling room is provided for students including those with a special needs.

S.12 There is a well-planned assessment program for students with appropriate-standardized psychological tests.

S.13 Career seminars and job placement services are available for the students.

S.14 There is a mechanism to establish partnership and collaboration with other institutions, agencies and industry

S.15 There is mechanism for storing and archiving student records for reference purposes.


I.1 The ratio of a Guidance Counselor to student populations is 1:1000.

1.2 Counseling and other student records are maintained and kept confidential.

1.3 Appropriate intervention programs and services are adopted to promote and enhance student welfare and development.

1.4 The Guidance Office maintains an updated inventory of student cumulative records.

1.5 The psychological test are administered, scored and interpreted by qualified staff and the results are kept confidential.

1.6 The test results are disseminated to concerned parties.

1.7 Test results are utilized in designing activities to meet student needs.

1.8 A scheme for appropriate follow-up and referrals is utilized.

1.9 The Guidance Office prepares valid appraisal data of students for career and job placement.

1.10 Student placement is regularly monitored and followed up.

1.11 The institution maintains active networking with the schools, the communities, alumni, and other concerned agencies for career and job placement of students.

1.12 Career counseling is provided to enable students to choose appropriate major/field of specialization.

1.13 Information materials on career and job opportunities are made accessible.

1.14 The SAS maintains liaison with its alumni to follow up graduates job performance, vis-a-vis:

I.14.2. key position in private and/ or govenrment agencies; and

I.15 Skills development programs are conducted

I.16 The students are given assistance in career and job placement.

I.17 The institution encourages student economic ventures such as but limited to:

I.17.2 entreprenurial activities/projects

I.18 Updated information on student welfare and development are accessible and disseminated.

I.19 The student body is involved in the development and revision of Student Handbook.


  • MOLE (MSU-IIT Online Learning Environment)/My.IIT. This is the official web portal of MSU-IIT, in partnership with Google, Inc. through Google Apps Education Edition (subscribed since 2007) for faculty, students, and staff.

  • Placement Services by the Guidance and Counseling Office. Placement service helps the students secure the most effective relationship to a job or to the next step in his educational or personal goals. It is culminated with a senior's week held every May of the year. Activities are: Pre-employment seminar, Mock Job Interview, and Job Fair Counseling sessions with follow-up by the Guidance Counselor.

  • Job Hiring posted in Social Media. The Alumni and Guidance Office has a Facebook page where they post job hiring opportunities.

  • Online Counseling Services by the Guidance and Counseling Office. Online counseling services are offered by the Guidance and Counseling Office, where guidance counselors can be contacted via chat/message via

  • College Guidance and Counseling Office. Every College has an assigned Guidance Counselor for a closer monitoring of students enrolled in the college, which is more convenient and more accessible for those who need immediate access of the services offered by the office.

  • Wi-Fi Access/Library Computer Units. Every college offers free Wi-Fi Access to students as they enter its premises, as well as computer units in the library for those students with no laptops, tablets, or internet ready mobile phones. This service is extremely helpful for students who need immediate internet access for research projects or assignments.

  • MSU-IIT Medical Emergency Response Team. Medical emergencies are immediately attended to by the Institute Clinic since there are nurses, equipment, and an Institute ambulance readily available.