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Teaching methods and techniques

I.6.1. Symposia, seminars, workshops, professional lectures;

I.6.2. Educational Tours/learning visits/ other co-curricular activities;

I.6.3. Peer teaching/cooperative learning; and

I.6.4. Computer-assisted instruction (cai) and computer-assisted learning (cal).

I.7.1. Group/individual projects;

I.7.2. Group/individual reports;

I.7.3. Group/individual term papers;

I.7.4. Performance activities;

I.7.5. Learning contract;

I.7.6. Portfolio;

I.7.7. Research study;

I.7.8. Learning modules; and

I.7.9. Others (please specify) ______.

I.8.1. Film showing;

I.8.2. Projects;

I.8.3. Group dynamics;

I.8.4. Case study;

I.8.5. Workshops;

I.8.6. Simulations;

I.8.7. Dimensional question approach;

I.8.8. Brainstorming;

I.8.9. Buzz sessions;

I.8.10. Inform creative groups;

I.8.11. Interactive learning;

I.8.12. Team teaching;

I.8.13. Micro teaching;

I.8.14. Macro teaching;

I.8.15. Tandem teaching;

I.8.16. Peer teaching;

I.8.17. Multi-media/crosswear/teachware;

I.8.18. Experiments;

I.8.19. Problem-solving;

I.8.20. Type study methods;

I.8.21. Reporting;

I.8.22. Panel discussion;and

I.8.23. Others (please specify) ______.

  • I.10. Instruction is enhanced through the following:

I.10.1 submission of approved and updated syllabus per course;

I.10.2. Regular classroom observartion/supervision;

I.10.3. Regular faculty meetings with the college/academic unit dean/department chair;

I.10.4. Regular faculty performance evaluation;

I.10.5. Attendance/participation of faculty in in-service training;

I.10.6. Conduct of experimental classes;

I.10.7. Adoption of alternative delivery modes, such as modular instructions, e-learning, and on-line study.


The following are identified as best practices of the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management program (formerly Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management) in terms of instructional processes, methodologies, and learning opportunities.

  • The BSHM program made full use of ICT to ensure the quality of delivery of instruction and effectiveness of processes with the shift to online modality. MICeL conducted a total of 13 Skills Building Sessions (SBS) for faculty members in support of online classes for two semesters. In the sessions, diverse topics were developed to provide guidance on how to build, design, and deliver instructions online using the MSU-IIT Online Learning Environment (MOLÉ). MOLÉ has three major facilities essential for managing learning resources, facilitating interaction and communication, and giving assessments and feedback. These essentials were covered and discussed in the SBS sessions. In doing this, it utilizes the MSU-IIT Online Learning Environment (MOLE). This allows for some flexibility in terms of students’ learning experience. It also enriches their learning of the topics as they are exposed to a wide array of learning resources available on the internet. Moreover, students are given opportunities to experience different computer-based teaching learning methods provided by the Moodle platform for online learning.

  • Effective and efficient teaching strategies and methodologies leading to students having commendable academic standings and graduates receiving academic honors when they graduated.

  • Faculties annually attended training and workshops in making OBE syllabi and seminars on how to educate students with multiple intelligences.